School Database
The Indonesian Government has a full and detailed school database page, but not all school data has been updated with new data, and there is no school search page that allows comparisons between schools. As a result, GDIS has created a new school database which will be presented to the Indonesian Government and will allow schools to update the data and allow school finders to search and compare nearby schools.

Problem Diagnosis
There are 3 main users who will use the School Database, Schools, Government, and School Finders.
Some of the main use cases are:
- Schools can input the data they want to display
- Government can view school profiles
- School Finders can search and view school profile
- School Finders can compare schools across various criteria
During the design process, we defined the end product deliverables and carried out Internet scraping to collate structured and recognizable master data to clearly understand the end user needs and requirements

Final Design
One Site for All
An Indonesian School Finder no longer has to jump from site to site to find all the information needed about schools, reports, guidance counselors, student data and now has a central source of information.

Nearby School information
Using geolocation technology, it is now possible to present which schools are nearby and to get the demographic info like class size and per-pupil expenditure, and more!
Comparing school
Using the GDIS School Locator Database we make it easy for parents to find the right school in their area, and we provide schools with a more efficient way of providing key information for parents to make more informed decisions on placing their children. The School Locator Database also provides proprietary comparison technology that they can’t find on other sites (for example, they can see which programs and degrees are offered at other nearby schools).

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